damn dude thats great
sounds like some kind of epic battle music or something
damn dude thats great
sounds like some kind of epic battle music or something
It was made for a battle sequence for my power of 3 team :) Thanks man!
i think you didnt do too much to it but what u did to it is great
I think the song would have become too cluttered if I added too much since the original instruments and stuff is still there.
Thanks for reviewing!
this is amazing
This is amazing!!!
There is no way to criticize it!
If you would be so kind as to give me some constructive criticism on my newest song it would be much appreciated
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/304067
Huh, when i get some time i'll be sure to do so =).
there is so much emotion in this song
great job on the piano and drums you could use something els in it though seemed as if it was lacking something small
check out my newest song and tell me what you think plz^^
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/304067
I know I agree with ou also....could not figure it out what I needed...
this is a great remake
you did an amazing job remakeing this song
fantastic job!
and it loops great
great job!
this song is amazing i love it
if you would be so kind as to give me your opinion on my newest song
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/304067
that would be great ^^
srry bro
it kinda boring not bad just really repetitive try throwing in more instruments and effects instead of playing the same riff for 3min lol
you'll get there although you did have a nice beat
tell me what you think of my newest song if you would plz
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/304067
this was great
not even quite sure how either
with the distortion noise playing because you have demo
and how it was detuned
your either really good or really lucky
do me a favor if you would and vote/review my newest song
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/304067
Well =D ! Thank you ^^. Bon i don't know why there're noise sometimes in my remix >< !!!
great song
what effect did you use for the piano if thats what it is?
a bit repetitive but still great
5/5 because i wanted to bring your rateing up to what it should be (4/5)
if you would return the favor and tell me what you think of my new song
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/304067
Keep up the good work
DnAmusic is fully up and running with soon to be two cds and 4 shash hits. DnAforever, and Go Newgrounds!!!
Joined on 9/11/08